Thursday, November 6, 2008


I'm one of those people who has trouble letting go. My garden is a metaphor for so much in my life. Not only can't I let go; I just love to grow things. The health of the environment is a huge issue for me. (One more reason I am so relieved that Sarah Palin ain't gonna be wailin in the White House.)

Every fall I agonize over what annuals to bring in - hoping they will winter over inside, safe from the death of winter winds. This year I even brought in a pot of moonflower vine. Then I found one more plant out there struggling to bloom. Me being me, I plucked it out of the soil, put it into a pretty little pot, and brought it to work to live on my desk. Mind you, I'm in an internal - windowless - office. But I do have a grow lamp!?! Not surprisingly, this poor little shoot didn't take long to give up the ghost. I simply hadn't gotten around to throwing it out.

Here comes the metaphor I'm clinging to. I just noticed 6 tiny shoots of new life today. I'm so excited!